
#移加檔案 #溫尼伯檔案 #YanInWinnipeg 第24週:Remember Hong Kong

今週功課繁重,剛完成測驗及 presentation 的週五,還是忍不住上來分享演講內容,因為主角正是離開了、還是放不下的香港!題目由加港情誼開始,特別加入英文,歡迎大家分享給身邊的加拿大朋友!

Remember Hong Kong Canadian World War 2 T-Shirt – Canada For Victory

萬一多公里外,加港兩地原來有著一份特別的歷史情誼,今天來一探究竟吧!Far far away, some remarkable history and friendship happened between Winnipeg and Hong Kong. Let's take a look!


Firstly, I'm happy to introduce my hometown. Hong Kong is a metropolitan area located on the south coast of China. Right now, its sovereign state is China. In Hong Kong, we mainly speak Cantonese. Hong Kong is not big, but it has over 7M population, so it's very crowded. It has a subtropical climate, meaning it's hot and has very mild and short winters. Hong Kong is famous for the Victoria Harbour and great food!


Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba, and the language is English and French. It is also a small city and has about 10% of the HK population. Winnipeg is well-known for its long and cold winter. You may wonder, the two cities look so different, and they're far away. What could possibly link them? 

The answer is colonization. I'm not going to talk about Canadian history, and these historical flags pretty explained everything. On the other side, Hong Kong became the British Crown Colony from 1841 to 1997. When Hong Kong was ceded, current China has not formed. So Hong Kong has a much longer history with Britain than China. That's the reason for it's so different from other Chinese cities and the "one country, two systems" promise of 50 years unchanged after the sovereignty transfer.

另一連結加港兩地的,很不幸是戰爭。1937年開始日本侵華,隨時揮軍南下;當時香港主要依靠來自英國、印度及加拿大的駐軍,而其中一場著名的戰爭,就是1941年發生的 香港保衛戰
Another link between us is the war. In the early 19th century, Japan had been waging war in China, and Hong Kong had no defence. It could only rely on British, Indian and Canadian garrison. Here is a picture of Canadian soldiers in Hong Kong, and one famous war they fought is the Defence of Hong Kong.

這是當年加拿大的招兵海報,也是這次演講的題目來源。1941年,加拿大派出兩營參與香港戰役—溫尼伯榴彈兵團及皇家加拿大來福槍團,共計1975名士兵,而他們大部份都十分年輕。他們在11月中才抵港,未料戰事12月8日即爆發,香港守軍措手不及,加拿大兵死傷慘重... 同年12月25日,港督楊慕琦宣佈投降,史稱黑色聖誕,香港進入了三年零八個月的淪陷歲月。
This is a wartime recruiting poster. In 1941, the Canadian Government sent The Royal Rifles of Canada and Winnipeg Grenadiers (from Manitoba) to Hong Kong. There were about 2K soldiers, and most of them were very young. They arrived in HK in mid-November and planed to receive more training. But the war started early on Dec 8. At that time, some of the weapons had not yet arrived in Hong Kong. So, 17 days later, at Black Christmas, Hong Kong surrendered and was ruled by Japan for almost four years.

During the dark age, what happened to the Canadian soldiers? These were the lucky ones...

About 290 soldiers were killed in Defence of Hong Kong, and more died as prisoners of wars due to mistreatment and starvation by the Japanese army. Also, many were wounded.

香港人不會忘記這段歷史,還有加拿大兵的幫助及犧牲。下圖是 約翰·奧斯本,他在渣甸山與日軍對戰中犧牲自己拯救同袍,死後獲追頒英聯邦最高榮譽英勇軍事勛章,其雕像目前仍樹立在香港公園。另外香港也設有西灣國殤紀念墳場,安葬並紀念香港保衛戰時在香港陣亡的盟軍軍人。
Hong Kong will not forget this history. This is John Robert Osborn; he died from covering a grenade to save other soldiers. His statue is now at Hong Kong Park. There is also a Memorial and Cemetery to remember these Canadian soldiers' braveries.
再之後的事,不用我多說了... 篇幅關係,只收輯了少量具代表性(同時不太血腥)的照片...
With such a history, Hong Kong people value peace more than anyone. 

So when the Government broke the promise of "one country, two systems," we went on peaceful protests. We had the 1M protest, 2M protest, and 1.7M protest under rain....

What did the government do? Over 16K rounds of tear gas have been fired. 2K was fired to CUHK, and 3K to PolyU. 

During the protests, doctors and First responders were detented. Over 10K people have been arrested, with 40% being students.

It's not politics but history and facts I want to share. I hope you all understand Hong Kong better; please remember Hong Kong, and places bearing injustice, including Myanmar, Xinjiang, Belarus. Thank you.



** 想得知最新飲食情報,可追蹤 甜魔媽媽;欲得知甜魔一家消息,就追蹤 Matthew and Chloe 吧~~


  1. 原來兩地已經有八十載情緣,感情非淺呀!希望有更多人可以在這裡重新展開新生活!





快樂週五:十週年錫婚之旅預告 + 美國簽證心得分享

Happy Friday,急不及待分享今早美國簽證面試成功的好消息,數個月後的十週年錫婚之旅,就此敲定會去美加啦!不得不說,美國簽證還真是超麻煩又難搞,所以今篇也分享一下個人心得~ 先講講為什麼會想去美加。九週年的歐洲遊無疑十分開心,但再去最快也要2020年,始終去歐洲要計劃太多東西,十週年本來想去輕鬆的陽光海灘遊,其中斐濟是最大的目標。不過斐濟位於南半球,7-8月去會有點冷,未必能下水;所以又想過再去印尼  峇厘島 ;但期待度當然就差一截啦... 後來甜魔媽媽在去年的 Langham x Cordis 聖誕派對  中,幸運獲得 Langham New York 三晚套房住宿 + 雙人早餐 + 雙人Spa + 雙人米芝蓮晚餐,才開始研究這個從未想過會踏足的北美洲。

2023 Calgary Foodie Trip ❤ 卡加尼暴食之旅 ❤ Day 1: Kim's Katsu + Aggüdo Coffee Roasters + Abbeys Creation + Joy Tea + HY's + 桃園茶餐廳

來到太陽眼鏡旺季,甜魔媽媽工作太忙了!😢 又差不多一整月沒 update... 趁尚有記憶,在上班前的空檔快快來補寫一下 4/30 - 5/2 Calgary 之旅的點滴,而其實說穿了也就是吃吃吃吃~~~😋 第三次去 Calgary 了,不過之前兩次都是 Road Trip 開車去,這回是頭一次搭飛機去,為了節省假期嘛!當然有抵的機票及酒店也是原因,這次我們訂 Flair 的四人來回不包行李機票只需 C$392.04*,就當不考慮 mileage 也比開車的油價便宜一大截。而位於 Downtown 並靠近中國領事館的 Holiday Inn Express Calgary 則 C$519.74 三晚,價格已包沒怎麼吃的早餐及 overnight parking,不過這次難得當 downtown 居民也沒另外租車了,給當地 Uber 司機賺點錢吧~  

Hong Kong Homecoming ✈ 2024 加燦回港 🍁 泰國番外旅程:曼谷篇

忙完 Hickory Farms 又有 Cleo 的工作,媽媽要到出發前3天才再次享有私人時間;加上週日獻詩+冰釣又花了一整天,昨天又有另一場聚會(2025甜魔在加近況遲些再寫文分享),要拖到出發前一晚才有時間寫最後的泰國遊記!!! 😅 由於行程及照片相當豐富,泰國之旅會分為曼谷及華欣上下篇推出~~~ 我們在10月8日清晨 check-out 帝京酒店後,就 Uber 到香港機場乘搭 7:35 的班機出發去曼谷;太早關係,早餐也沒吃就上機了,機程上當然也是倒頭就睡 😴~ zzzz      早在香港就買好泰國 Sim card 的我們,抵達曼谷時大概是9:25am,原計劃是租車遊曼谷+華欣,但最後老公想徹底放鬆一下,於是我們就選擇搭的士去曼谷市中心,途中也預約好由曼谷往返華欣的接送車。 早上的曼谷塞車不算嚴重,我們很順利抵達水門,第一件事當然要去醫肚,畢竟我們一家都沒吃早餐!由於肚餓而跳過先去酒店,首半天行程我們是拖著行李的,還好東西不算太多而且 Matthew 真的很幫得手,是個妥妥的暖男~~~😊   寬別曼谷太多年,望到街邊小吃也覺得很吸引!不過第一餐還是先去水門雞飯,畢竟這是甜魔媽媽遊曼谷多年下來的習慣與傳統~大家都餓了,除了每人一杯泰式奶茶,又點了苦瓜湯、2份大雞飯、1份豬手飯、1份雞腎及1份青菜,十分的豐富~~~   雖然,其實媽媽更喜歡也更掛念是隔壁粉藍店的雞飯+鴨腿麵,不過這家水門雞飯也著實滿足了口腹之慾,之後還順利掃了幾串街邊風味串燒,雖然熱度不是很足~~~ 吃完水門雞飯,是時間找甜品吃!我們逛著逛著竟遇到來自加拿大的 Tim Horton's!合照後當然 byebye,珍貴的 quota 當然要留給泰國獨有的餐廳,比如 Swensens。   其實 Swensens 的雪糕及甜品水準不算特別高,但 MC 小時遊泰每次都會去吃,久而久之也成了另一個泰遊必吃傳統。而且這天的芒果 smoothie 及朱古力新地雖然只是中上之姿,最後媽媽點這份 Banana & Nutella 的 Honey Toast 卻好好好好好吃得過份,筆時也無限想念!!!😍   吃完 Swensens 樓上就是 Big C,榴槤迷兩父女又怎會錯過飽嚐金枕頭的機會?由於媽媽吃了太多 Honey To...